Buyers share their opinions about Feronex and describe their usage experiences in detail to help other guys who have the same problem.
I met Feronex capsules thanks to an anonymous forum dedicated to the problem of erectile dysfunction in men. I immediately made an order, I was bribed by the natural composition and many good reviews. I like that I don't have to pay online - I pay for the capsules only after I open the package and make sure that it really contains Feronex.
The product is safely packed, the capsules are in a jar with a strong lid, it is easy to store and transport. The order is made anonymously, which is ideal if you don't want postal workers looking at you with disdain.
Instructions for use describe in detail how to use the capsules. I take one capsule in the morning and evening, at the same time every day. They are small in size, not difficult to swallow Feronex, the product has no smell and taste.
Tell us about yourself. I am 40 years old, I have treated prostatitis in the past, I am very nervous because of work, there is a period of chronic stress. After that I had problems with erection, and then I started gaining weight. I consulted a doctor who diagnosed a hormonal imbalance due to too much energy. The doctor prescribed hormones, but I decided not to take strong drugs because of the side effects. More than five years of experimenting with different drugs gave no effect, but Feronex did in just one month.
The changes in my body happened gradually. Don't expect Feronex to make all your problems go away after the first capsule. The natural components of the composition need time for them to accumulate in the body and begin to act fully. I did not have any immediate effects, such as a sudden increase in erection. However, I expected Feronex to help in the long run, and it did.
So, my results for the entry month:
I attribute this change to the fact that Feronex capsules increase the amount of testosterone. My wife noticed a change for the better. Now we have normal sex again, because I am no longer afraid that the erection will disappear at the most inopportune moment.
For myself, I came to the conclusion that you should always take care of your health. Now I will take Feronex capsules every six months for prevention.